Sunday, May 3, 2015

Creativity and art

Art is an attempt to bring order out of chaos - Stephen Sondheim 

     Art. A simple three-letter word, but the meaning of which transcends definition. Any form of creativity gives birth to art. Art, being an outlet, an expression of oneself and one’s perception, has no rules or limits. It is purely open to exploration, discovery, and innovation. Without art, the world would be very dull indeed!
Art does not consist only of drawings and paintings, but also sculptures, any kind of designing, any form of creativity.
It is often said that artists view the world in a different light and have irrational fancies. I would say that, we all view the world differently but, many of us are afraid of accepting this fact and hence, try to conform to standard norms.
Artists are the people who attempt to convey their perception through a medium without fear of judgement or criticism. So very aptly said by someone that, “To live a creative life, we must lose our fear of being wrong.”
Thus, the lovers of art find satisfaction in their works. It brings out their real selves, whether it depicts aesthetic appeal or their eloquent rawness. Neither afraid to reveal their flaws, nor shy to showcase the beauty of their souls.
The best of both worlds co-exist in each of us.
Explore. Introspect. Accept. Improve. Rejoice. Celebrate. 

Thoughts emerging from books..

This post starts out with the mention of books, but delves deeper...

The wonder that books ignite, the mental commotion that is caused – posing challenges to one’s reason, and the revelation of a new perspective – contributes to intellectual development. For, it is only when our thoughts and beliefs are challenged, that we truly emerge from our caged mindsets and reach towards new and dynamic horizons. And it is a good thing! It helps to question the self-imposed or influenced limitations of our mind and to start thinking of possibilities. And indeed! It is when we believe in the unseen and the unconventional, that the impossible loses its limits, and emerges as a possibility!
For, aren’t there great men and women who have stunned the world by making something happen, which was originally thought to be seemingly impossible by all, except by their own vision and belief?

Saturday, May 2, 2015

The night sky striking one with awe..

Luminous beauty

The velvety darkness of the night sky with spots of stardust, bestowing crystal clear moonlight on the landscape, is such a mesmerizing sight to behold! It seems to alter one’s view of the world - even if for a few moments - and compels one to ponder upon the insignificant nothingness of oneself in comparison to the vast universe.
We are, but, just a tiny speck on this great canvas encompassing the world.

The beauty of those eyes...

hazel eyes

The soft hazel of her eyes struck me dumb at her every glance; unfathomable mysteries, pulling me ever so gracefully into their depths. Their alluring gaze, unfailingly bemusing me, changing my perception with every passing moment. Perhaps they are designed to cast an intriguing spell and entrance the atmosphere...

Inaugral post...

A poem written for all of those who have exams scheduled up ! Here's to all of you :

Your goal is approaching near
Rejoice ! Prepare ! Do not fear !
Give it your best,
To have no regrets.
Bring on the excitement with full galore;
To reach astounding heights, with great valour.
Confidence and belief is what you should keep,
While into concepts, you go so very deep.
Success will surely come to you,
Encourage yourself whenever you feel blue.
Get into the game, you have what it takes,
To emerge as the victor, resounding applause from every place !

have confidence